Top quality level is provided by multistage quality control while protection system production. D-FLY protection system is installed in sales area of a lot of Russian regions located from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin, and on the territory of such countries as Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus, as well. There can be quite severe working conditions (high dust level, humidity, temperature fluctuations, unstable power supply, etc.), and protection system demonstrated uninterrupted performance under all these circumstances. All sensors are made from impact-resistant high-quality ABSplastic. This material provides stable appearance of protection system during the long run of operation. All the above mentioned enable us to give the 3 year guarantee for the D-FLY control panels.
Full cycle of manufacture located in Ekaterinburg and substantial production volume provide the best prices and conditions we are able to offer.
The protection system is simple and convenient in use. The different sensors are easily interchangeable, control panels are universal and are attachable with sensors of any type. The system control is fulfilled from the distance by remote control unit and does not demand the permanent presence of staff near each sensor.
Easy to assemble
The protection system assembly is totally simple. The sensors are installed on the shelve and switched to the control panels through special slots. The control panel itself is connected to the socket of 220V. Simple and convenient assemble, together with no need in additional control units or blocks program coding by means of resetters (the situation, which often occurs while use of protection systems of other brands), allows to perform assemble at shortest time. The easiness of assemble is proved by significant fact, that many of users decide to fulfill the assembly of system by their own strength, and they save their money (for the cost of assemble works) by doing it. The manufacturer guarantee remains to be valid in cases like that.
Protection from professional thieves
Due to the protective signal special function, getting started in each case of attempt to steal one or several articles by an organized group, acting under preliminary agreement, the system allows to prevent intentional, planned in advance thefts, undertaken by a separate evil-doer or by their combination. The system will never leave your merchandise unguarded!
Protection from decryption of a signal
The signal transfer from remote control unit to control block is fulfilled by means of dynamic code with block encryption algorithm. It makes it impossible to intercept the signal intentionally for further swithching off of protection system by evil-doers.
Permanent visual control of protective sensors and control blocks performance
Design of blocks and sensors allows to control visually each element of protection system, and usage of digital signal indicator provides 100% control of system condition from the side of maintenance staff, even from the distance, not coming to each sensor separately to check it.
Design and ergonomics
The protection system sensors are notable for the modern design, and made of different colours as well – white, grey and black. It allows to consider concept of any store and to use them in any colour solution in accordance with sales area decoration standards and corporate style of a client. The system allows to protect the article while any laying-out system. It is achieved thanks to the use of special magnet sensors, of sensors with a reel, and of special telescopic supports as well.
100% protection 24 a day
All control blocks of the system are equipped by a built-in accumulator. It provides the merchandise 100% protection even when there is no power supply in a store. When control blocks are disconnected from 220V network, the system goes to offline work with no interference from the staff. All the goods will be under protection within up to 48 hours in this case. Any are opportunities to steal are to totally excluded.
The biggest possible number of devices to link up
D-FLY system control blocks have various quantities of separate channels to deal with, the lowest is 8, the highest is 48. It allows to decrease the cost of protection substantionally when a big number of goods is connected with each control block.
Powerful recharge
There is no secret, that if the merchadise is alwayes turned on, it escalates its appeal for the customer and leads to the growth of sales volume. D-FLY system allows to keep your goods always charged. Special charge cables, attached to the sensors, are used for each group of goods. This fact allows to recharge almost all the models of phones, smartphones, tablets, ebooks, cameras, etc. Moreover, the sensors are setupable to make the alarm signal turning on when charging cable is separated from the article. It allows to use an alternative, to protect the phones by means of sensing units, not equipped with additional sensor (which is usually sticked to the phone front panel), for the maximal storage of aesthetic appeal of the open access retail system.
Integration of system elements
All control blocks are equipped by an output to the so called «dry contact», thanks to which it is possible to integrate each block activities with videomonitoring systems, with access control system and another equipment. So, it is possible to program the algorithm in such a way that either the camera focuses on the rack which served alarm, or the store exit doors are closed automatically.
24 hours technical support
You can always make a call to our 24 hours technical support service and to get detailed consultation how to assemble and to run D-FLY system. Statistics prove that, 80% of problems arise, when the staff is communicating with a system, as a rule are caused by ignorance of certain operating characteristics, and can be easily solved by phone after detailed expert consultation. Only 20% of problems - are the technical problems, when the ingeneer coming to the trade putlet is needed.
Servicing in Russia and other countries
Wide network of dealers and partners allows us to fulfill assembly, together with equipment waranty and service, at any location and in the shortest terms. Our partners, ready to perform skillfully all necessary work connected with the installation, configuration, repair of D-FLY equipment are available at practically any city.
The shortest possible terms of delivery
Full cycle of production in Ekaterinburg leads to permanent availability of substantial stockholding. So, our company is able to provide the delivery of equipment needed to equip 200–300 stores of middle dimensions within not more than one week. At the same time many clients have to expect for equipment, ordered from other supplies, from 1 to 3 months. Permanent availability of full range of products on the stock, convenient disposition of haulways and advanced logistics make us able to fulfill the shortest dispatch of equipment to any destination.