Safety sensors

Has a socket for connection of a sensor loop. Is equipped with a connector for recharging. Is used to protect mobile phones.

Is used to protect mobile and landline phones, handheld computers, MP3-players, dictaphones, portable DVD sets.

Is applied to protect DECT phones and other techniques, consisting of two parts.

The sensor protects small articles, such as MP3 players, mobile phones, handheld computers, automobile TV sets, epilators, and electrical razors.

Is equipped with a connector for recharging. Is used to protect mobile phones, handheld computers, MP3 players.

The sensor is designed to protect mobile phones and portable electronics in particular (DVD, automobile TV sets).

Is equipped by additional tiny sensing element and by socket for charging. Is used to protect mobile phones, handheld computers, MP3-players.

Is used to protect photo- and video- cameras, an alternative to their installation on a tripod.